Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance
Minutes of the Board of Directors – Work Session
Thursday, October 10, 2024
4:30 p.m. at the BWB Building, 201 West 3rd St. Jamestown, NY 14701 & via Zoom
Directors Present: Pierre Chagnon, Ellen Barnes, Don Emhardt, Martin Proctor, Paul (P.J.) Wendel, Jr., Jim Andrews, Mike LaTone, Janis Bowman
Directors Absent: JoDee Johnson
Staff in Attendance: Randall Perry – Executive Director, Jay Young – Communications Coordinator
I. Call to Order
D. Emhardt called the Board Meeting of the Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance (Alliance) to order at 4:30 PM. A quorum of 8 out of 9 Directors was present at the start of the meeting.
II. Approval of 9/12/2024 Board Meeting Minutes
M. Proctor made a motion to accept the minutes from the 9/12/24 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by E. Barnes and was passed unanimously.
III. Financial Report
R. Perry indicated that the meeting packet includes an updated financial summary report for September including an unaudited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement prepared by the bookkeeper through September 30. M. LaTone made a motion to accept the financial report as presented. The motion was seconded by P. Wendel and was passed unanimously.
IV. Alliance Committees Updates
R. Perry thanked the Alliance Committee Members who volunteered to review and score projects submitted for the 2024-2025 Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Program.
R. Perry indicated that the Lake Management Committee met on 9/19/24 at The Lawson Center, and that the Committee scheduled its next meeting for 4/17/25, also at The Lawson Center.
M. LaTone indicated that the Lake Management Committee meeting went well, and that the discussion included work done during the lake maintenance season and late-season work done by Town of Chautauqua Mobitracs and Chautauqua Lake Association harvesters.
R. Perry indicated that during the 8/8/24 Work Session, the Board compiled a list of potential Audit Committee Members, including P. Chagnon, D. Emhardt, E. Barnes, J. Andrews, and B. Erickson. R. Perry indicated that B. Erickson has agreed to serve on the Committee as an at-large member, and that E. Barnes had reached out to Lakewood Clerk and Treasurer Apryl Troutman regarding her interest in serving on the Committee as an at-large member.
E. Barnes indicated she had spoken with A. Troutman, and she is willing to serve on the Committee.
P. Chagnon made a motion to accept the following members of the Audit Committee: P. Chagnon, D. Emhardt, E. Barnes, J. Andrews, B. Erickson, and A. Troutman. The motion was seconded by P. Wendel and was passed unanimously.
R. Perry indicated that he and the auditors will be drafting Audit Committee materials soon, and those will be emailed. R. Perry indicated that a Committee meeting will be scheduled between around 10/28/24 and 11/8/24 in advance of the 11/14/24 Board meeting and 11/15/24 filing deadline.
V. 2024 Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Program Update
Discussion included the status of awards made to date for 2024, status of funds remaining for use in 2024, and projected unallocated and/or unspent funds in 2024.
R. Perry briefed the Board on the Consolidated Local Funding Program awards made to date for 2024. R. Perry indicated that there is a still a pending request for additional funds from the CLA. R. Perry indicated he does not yet have a formal request for additional funding from the Chautauqua Lake Partnership for the purposes of expanded plant surveys. R. Perry indicated that the final expenditures are still pending for the herbicide grant and the pilot algaecide treatment of invasive starry stonewort, which was designed and permitted but did not occur.
J. Bowman asked what the status was of potential diver assisted suction harvesting of starry stonewort.
R. Perry indicated that permits for the work were recently granted, and that it is quite late in the season. R. Perry indicated that the project team is currently discussing next steps, including timing and location of any potential work.
J. Bowman indicated she had heard that the growth was quite extensive this year.
D. Emhardt indicated that general permits for the DASH work will be valid in 2025, but the permit for the use of the Prendergast Point boat ramp will have to be renewed.
E. Barnes indicated it may be worthwhile to try and do some dash removal this year.
J. Bowman indicated she agreed with that.
D. Emhardt indicated that it would be good to speak with the contractor, Integrated Lakes Management.
R. Perry indicated that the project team is in the process of scheduling a call to discuss the work. R. Perry indicated that ILM has been transparent about their capabilities and scheduling, and that the lake level is quite low right now. R. Perry indicated that the DASH permits are valid through 2026. R. Perry indicated that one approach might be to perform DASH earlier in the year, perhaps July. R. Perry indicated the project team is interested to hear feedback from Twan Leenders of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy, and perhaps from researchers at North Carolina State University.
M. LaTone asked if the contractors would need final approval from DEC before performing DASH.
R. Perry indicated that the permits for the DASH work are essentially the final approval before beginning work. R. Perry indicated that T. Leenders said the permit to perform Mobitrac removal at Ashville Bay is valid through 2026.
E. Barnes asked if the algaecide permit secured by CLP was valid through 2025.
M. LaTone indicated Glenn Sullivan might be able to answer that.
R. Perry indicated that smaller CLA crews were on the water until around 10/1/24.
J. Bowman indicated she thought a CLA skimmer would still be available to assist starry stonewort removal.
D. Emhardt indicated that Mobitracs would no longer be available late in the season.
A discussion followed of CLA’s request for additional funding in 2024. The Board indicated it would discuss it again once the details are finalized by CLA.
R. Perry reviewed the past year’s local grant program including unexpended funds. R. Perry indicated that he will be submitting an interim report to The Lenna Foundation on 10/18/24.
P. Chagnon suggested that the interim report could include an indication that the Board would like to have the option to carry forward unspent funds once details are confirmed and if it makes sense.
VI. 2024-2025 Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Program Update
Discussion included an overview of applications received and technical review, review of applications, and the approval of the 2025 Consolidated Foundation Funding Request.
R. Perry briefed the Board on the 2024-2025 Consolidated Local Funding Program process and submissions received by the Alliance from its Members. The Alliance received 16 applications representing 12 different member organizations totaling around $2.2 Million in funding requests. The member applications included $1,064,000 requested for chemical macrophyte management; $820,000 requested for mechanical macrophyte management; $80,000 requested for lake capital equipment; $20,882 requested for invasive species prevention, detection, and response programs; $111,645 for macrophyte monitoring and research; and $129,032 requested for watershed projects and programs.
R. Perry outlined to the Board for their consideration an $800,000 consolidated foundation funding request.
D. Emhardt indicated his support for not reducing the Alliance’s request for funds from the foundations.
P. Chagnon indicated he agreed with that.
P. Chagnon indicated that the foundations have been looking for more county support on lake and watershed work, and have been pleased to get it in recent years.
M. LaTone indicated he has been in dialogue with ownership of the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel in Celoron. M. LaTone indicated that there is interest in adapting plant management in that area to improve conditions in the future. M. LaTone indicated that Heather Nolan-Caskey of the CLA has been helpful in focusing on maintenance in that area. M. LaTone asked what can be done in terms of equipment and staff to improve the area in 2025. M. LaTone asked if it would be possible to direct funds to CLA specifically for the purpose of maintenance around the hotel.
D. Emhardt indicated he understands the focus on maintenance in Burtis Bay, and indicated that Hartfield Bay can also suffer from similar conditions. D. Emhardt indicated that Mobitracs spent a large amount of time late in the season working in Burtis Bay.
M. LaTone asked if additional staff could be used in these types of priority areas.
D. Emhardt indicated that Mobitracs spend as much time in Burtis Bay as they do anywhere, and indicated that he finds operators on machines to be more efficient than manual removal of plant debris.
P. Wendel asked if CLA’s toothless harvester could be used in Burtis Bay.
P. Chagnon indicated that once the concept is better refined for making improvements to Burtis Bay management, that type of project could be a candidate for funding consideration via contract by the County.
D. Emhardt indicated that if funding for a new Mobitrac is secured, the program could be expanded from 2 to 3 crews.
R. Perry indicated that there are applications for new projects, including a graduate student study as well as a pilot plant nursery program.
J. Bowman asked if The Jefferson Project was researching plant dynamics as well as algae.
A discussion followed on project feasibility depending on partial or complete funding.
A discussion followed on the Village of Mayville’s request for a street sweeper truck rental to clean catch basins, and potential alternative sources of funding or shared services.
P. Chagnon indicated that projects that remove debris from catchments are a good idea, and that the Village could work with the County’s sewer districts to make the work happen.
A discussion followed on the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy’s request for funding work along Goose Creek.
R. Perry indicated that in the past the Alliance has made relatively small contributions for similar watershed projects in order to prime them for larger state grant opportunities. R. Perry indicated that this particular project received a small grant last year.
J. Bowman indicated that Goose Creek is a major tributary that conveys a lot of sediment to the lake, and that some of the work CWC is seeking funding for does not score well on County 2% applications.
M. LaTone made a motion to submit the proposed $800,000 consolidated foundation request. The motion was seconded by J. Andrews and was approved unanimously.
J. Bowman indicated she is interested in learning more about the proposed graduate student study.
VII. Lake Management Discussion
P. Chagnon indicated that Board Members have discussed the possibility of seeking lake management consulting services from an outside party. P. Chagnon indicated his support for hiring a firm to assist the Alliance Board in making funding and management decisions.
M. LaTone indicated that Rob Richardson of North Carolina State University could be a useful party to engage.
E. Barnes indicated that having a lake manager could aid DEC cooperation.
P. Chagnon indicated that a lake manager could assist the Board with advice aimed at improving management, such as M. LaTone’s interest in adapting the maintenance approach in Burtis Bay. P. Chagnon indicated that a consultant could contract with the Alliance, be directed by the Board, and work with individual Member organizations. P. Chagnon indicated that a contract length could vary, such as one to three years.
A discussion followed of funding a potential lake management consultant.
M. LaTone indicated he supports engaging potential lake management consultants with a written request, and indicated that local funders may be receptive to this idea.
J. Andrews indicated that there would be no cost to seek feedback from firms. D. Emhardt indicated it would be good for the Board to see a draft before making a decision.
R. Perry indicated that staff would draft a letter to engage potential lake management consultants.
VIII. Other
R. Perry indicated that he will be attending an upcoming stakeholder meeting to discuss proposed new wetlands regulations and permitting with DEC officials. R. Perry indicated that the Alliance Board also received a letter from the Chautauqua Lake Property Owners Association requesting that the Alliance Board issue a formal position on the proposed new wetlands regulations.
D. Emhardt indicated that the primary job of the Alliance is to secure and disburse funds for the lake and Members.
A discussion followed of the proposed new wetlands regulations.
P. Chagnon indicated that he and M. Proctor have supported an upcoming County Legislature request to delay the implementation of the new regulations.
R. Perry indicated that he would discuss specific details at the stakeholder meeting if requested by the Board.
A discussion followed of proposed changes to federal floodplain maps.
IX. Adjourn
M. LaTone made a motion to adjourn at 6:11 p.m. The motion was seconded by E. Barnes and carried unanimously.
The Alliance Board of Directors passed a motion to approve these 10/10/24 Meeting Minutes on 11/14/24.