Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance
Minutes of the Board of Directors – Work Session Meeting
Thursday, June 10, 2021
4:30 p.m. at the Town of North Harmony Municipal Building, Stow, NY
Directors Present: Pierre Chagnon, Don Emhardt, Bruce Erickson, Jim Andrews, David Shepherd, Rob Yates, Mary Hutchings, Paul (P.J.) Wendel, Jr., and Mike Latone
Absent: None
Staff in Attendance: Randall Perry – Alliance Executive Director and Taylor West – Alliance Project Manager.
I. Call to Order
P. Chagnon called the Board Meeting of the Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance (Alliance) to order at 4:30 PM. A quorum of 9 out of 9 Alliance Board Members were present at the start of the meeting.
II. Seating of New Directors
P. Chagnon welcomed M. Hutchings and D. Emhardt to the Alliance Board of Directors.
III. Election of Officers
D. Shepherd suggested the Board nominate B. Erickson for Board Chairman, D. Emhardt for Vice Chairman, M. Hutchings for Secretary, and J. Andrews for Treasurer.
M. Hutchings asked about the responsibilities of the Board Secretary.
D. Shepherd indicated that the Secretary’s primary role is to sign the approved Board Minutes.
M. Latone made a motion to approve D. Shepherd’s proposed slate of officers.
R. Yates seconded the motion.
P. Chagnon indicated that one year ago the Board moved to extend P. Chagnon’s role as Alliance Board Chair for one additional year. P. Chagnon indicated that it was appropriate at the time for the Board to take this action due to the Executive Director transition. P. Chagnon indicated that the Alliance now has a full time Executive Director and a full staff. P. Chagnon indicated that he thinks the organization is in a good place and indicated that the new Executive Director is doing a wonderful job, and the Board is functioning well. P. Chagnon indicated that he is looking forward to being a Board Member.
P. Chagnon called for a vote on the motion made by M. Latone. The motion carried with unanimous support.
IV. Approval of the 05/13/2021 Board Minutes
B. Erickson made a motion to accept the minutes from the 5/13/2021 Public Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by J. Andrews and was approved unanimously.
V. Alliance Committees Update
a.) Alliance Data Analysis and Research (DAR) Committee Update
R. Perry introduced the Board to G. Bullerjahn of Bowling Green State University and C. Wigdahl-Perry of the State University of New York at Fredonia, who are Chautauqua Lake research scientists and members of the Alliance’s DAR Committee and joined the meeting for the DAR Committee portion of the work session via Zoom. R. Perry indicated that information was prepared by the Committee and provided to the Board at the request of the Board to help explain Internal Loading as it relates to Chautauqua Lake.
G. Bullerjahn indicated that the Committee would be happy to provide more detail on any of the items covered in the document but indicated that the spirit of the document is to start a discussion on the issues.
The following primary questions were addressed by the Committee as part of the document:
- Please provide the operational definition(s) of internal loading.
- Please describe differences (if any) between the nutrients Phosphorus and Nitrogen – as they relate to the operational definition(s) and/or topics below. If any other nutrients should be considered, please also provide similar information as available and appropriate.
- What kinds of data and/or information are needed to understand internal loading in Chautauqua Lake?
- Related to these data and/or information, please provide input, including status if available, on the following as they relate to Chautauqua Lake:
- What are currently available?
- What are currently underway?
- What are still missing?
- Recommendation on prioritizing the collet ions of data and/or information that are currently missing, currently incomplete, and/or available but in need of update.
An initial overview by G. Bullerjahn and C. Wigdahl-Perry was followed by Q&A with the Board, which included the following:
- B. Erickson asked what impact dreissenid mussels had on the nutrient cycle.
- G. Bullerjahn indicated that they can increase the bioavailability of phosphorus.
- B. Erickson asked what impact dreissenid mussels had on the nutrient cycle.
- M. Latone asked if anyone is looking at the biomass in the lake.
- C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that the researchers need more information on sediment profiles.
- M. Latone asked if anyone is looking at the biomass in the lake.
- M. Latone asked if North Carolina State University could collect this data to help fill data/information gaps.
- C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that their work on Chautauqua Lake has largely been focused on macrophytes.
- M. Latone asked if North Carolina State University could collect this data to help fill data/information gaps.
- D. Shepherd asked how the Alliance could find the technical experts to perform this work.
- G. Bullerjahn indicated that he knows a few individuals from his work in Sandusky Bay that may or may not be interested.
- D. Shepherd asked how the Alliance could find the technical experts to perform this work.
- P. Wendel Jr. indicated that filling the sediment data/information gap is key.
- P. Chagnon indicated that it is terrific that the DAR Committee has brought this information to the Board. P. Chagnon indicated that it helps to know the research gaps so that they can be prioritized and eventually filled.
- M. Hutchings asked what the next steps would be once all of the necessary data/information are acquired.
- C. Wigdahl-Perry emphasized the importance of collecting the necessary data/information and indicated that it is easy to misstep on management actions if not enough information is in hand. C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that Chautauqua is a very large lake, which presents a variety of challenges when it comes to management actions. C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that spatial sampling may help to identify potential hot spots where management actions could be taken.
- M. Hutchings asked what the next steps would be once all of the necessary data/information are acquired.
- M .Hutchings asked if management actions have been taken on other lakes in the country to manage HABs.
- C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that management actions have been taken on other lakes but indicated that they are often ongoing/recurring and expensive. C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that management actions are often focused on small areas such as embayments or marinas. C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that it is important to know the mechanisms of release, sources, and the extent before taking action.
- G. Bullerjahn indicated that they can’t make management recommendations until the phosphorus flux from the sediment is known.
- M .Hutchings asked if management actions have been taken on other lakes in the country to manage HABs.
- B. Erickson indicated that Chautauqua Lake’s north and south basins act like two different lakes.
- C. Wigdahl-Perry indicated that The Jefferson Project’s models have been very helpful to understand the internal physics of the lake. However, it is a slow process, but the right pieces are coming together.
- B. Erickson indicated that Chautauqua Lake’s north and south basins act like two different lakes.
- D. Shepherd indicated that the Alliance is delighted to have the researchers as a resource.
- R. Perry thanked the researchers and the Committee members for their work.
- M. Hutchings asked at what point in the process does the NYSDEC get involved.
- P. Chagnon indicated that they would get involved when management actions are contemplated.
- M. Hutchings asked at what point in the process does the NYSDEC get involved.
b.) Alliance Lake Management Committee Update
B. Erickson indicated that the new Chair of the Committee is M. Latone.
B. Erickson indicated that the CLA and CLP have been communicating about the location of a CLA harvester on 6/9/21 and have worked out any potential questions.
P. Wendel, Jr. indicated that he’s met with representatives of the CLA and the CLP and indicated that groups need to keep communicating to protect the large investments in the lake.
B. Erickson indicated representatives from the service providers are on the Alliance Board and are committed to working with one another. B. Erickson indicated that the Lake Management Committee has made huge strides this spring to communicate lake management actions.
c.) Alliance Watershed Management Committee Update
D. Shepherd indicated that the Committee members caught up with each other on past, current, and potential future projects during the last meeting.
VI. Discussion of Alliance Election Procedure
R. Perry gave an overview of clarifications to the procedure aimed at providing more detail on the ballot process. R. Perry indicated that under the new proposed structure, the ballot would show other nominees under the individual section, which is Section B.
P. Chagnon made a motion to adopt the change as presented.
D. Emhardt seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Erickson suggested that the Alliance revisit the bylaws to revert back to the original officer’s term limits.
P. Chagnon suggested that this could be a topic for the next Alliance Work Session Meeting.
VII. Discussion of Alliance Board Meeting Minutes Process
R. Perry indicated that the Alliance’s current process is to send the draft minutes to the Board approximately one week in advance of the next meeting. R. Perry indicated that a request was made to send the draft minutes to the Members so that they can provide feedback on the draft minutes before they are approved by the Board. R. Perry indicated that the public minutes are approved at work session meetings and the work session minutes are approved during public meetings.
M. Hutchings asked about the benefits of sending out the draft minutes to the public and asked if anyone has indicated that they were misrepresented.
R. Perry indicated that he has not received any concerns that the attendees are being misrepresented.
M. Hutchings indicated that changing the process could be an administrative challenge and indicated that she feels the Alliance does not need to change the current practice.
M. Latone made a motion that the Alliance stay with the current practice.
M. Hutchings seconded the motion, which carried with unanimous support.
VIII. 2021 Alliance Consolidated Foundation Grant Update
R. Perry indicated that the Alliance has fully signed grant agreements with all of the grant recipients except for one. R. Perry indicated that all of the projects have been paid out except for those grants with staggered payment terms and the herbicide grants. R. Perry indicated that the Alliance is looking to issue more payments soon.
D. Shepherd indicated that the Arnold Holmberg Foundation met this week and has allocated $20,000 to the Alliance for projects.
IX. 2021 NYS Consolidated Funding Application Update
R. Perry indicated that the CFAs are due on 7/30/21 and opened on 5/10/21. R. Perry indicated that the Alliance has identified the following potential projects to progress to possible State grant applications:
- Bemus Creek Sediment Trap
- Grandview Stormwater Management Project
- North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District Mayville Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) Study
- Town of Chautauqua Swale Retrofits Project
- County Complex Green Infrastructure Retrofits
- Ball Creek Stabilization Project
R. Perry indicated that once budgets are nailed down, he would request the Board’s approval to tap the Alliance-Foundation Match Fund to assist with potential local match needs for the slate of projects. R. Perry indicated that the Alliance looked into potential CFA opportunities for in-lake projects, but indicated that there is only money for in-lake mitigation of harmful algal blooms (HABs), which require reports from limnologists, feasibility studies, and other documentation that is not yet available for Chautauqua Lake.
X. 2021-2022 Alliance Consolidated Foundation Grant Solicitation and Review Process
R. Perry indicated that this will be the fourth year of the program. R. Perry indicated that the Alliance anticipates releasing the RFA on/around 7/9/21 for around 2 months. R. Perry indicated that three weeks would be allotted for the initial technical review. R. Perry indicated that the Board would receive a summary of the technical scores around 10/11/21. R. Perry indicated that the Board would then review the requests at the 10/14/21 Alliance Board meeting and then would submit a funding request to the Foundations on 11/1/21. R. Perry indicated that if an award were made, the Alliance would distribute the money to the grantees. R. Perry indicated that organizations are required to be a member of the Alliance to receive funding. R. Perry indicated that members interested in receiving funding through this process must have their Alliance membership paid by the time of application submission. R. Perry indicated that there are no limits on the number of applications a member can submit or the amount of money they can request. R. Perry indicated that the MCA Tool was updated last year and indicated that the Alliance is working to update the application this year to help streamline the process. R. Perry indicated that the intent would be to keep the application focused on the project scoring criteria. R. Perry indicated that the Alliance has looked at the technical review process and is proposing to change it slightly for 2021. R. Perry indicated that paid consultants would not review the applications in 2021, which would result in a cost savings. R. Perry indicated that Alliance staff and Committee members are still expected to score the applications in 2021, but indicated that staff and members of the Watershed Management Committee could score watershed project/program applications and the staff and members of the Lake Management Committee could score in-lake and in-lake maintenance applications. R. Perry indicated that each project would get two sets of scores under this scenario.
The Board discussed the application, scoring and review process, and the use of the MCA scoring tool. It was decided that B. Erickson and P. Chagnon would meet with R. Perry to discuss the proposed updates to the application and review process.
XI. Discussion on Alliance 2021 County Agency Allocation
P. Wendel Jr. suggested that the Alliance allocate the following funding to the following organizations from the Alliance’s 2021 County Agency Allocation:
- Chautauqua Lake Association – $90,000
- Chautauqua Lake Partnership – $50,000
- Town of Chautauqua – $5,000 for a dredge pump attachment for the Mobitracs
D. Emhardt indicated that the Town would look at a variety of dredge pump options.
D. Shepherd asked how the dredge pump worked.
D. Emhardt indicated that that it is a hydraulic pump powered with a power pack that runs a pump with up to 50 feet of hose.
P. Wendel Jr. made a motion to pass the suggested allocation.
P. Chagnon seconded the motion.
The motion carried with unanimous support.
XII. Alliance Communications Coordinator Update
R. Perry indicated that J. Young will start on 6/23/21. R. Perry thanked the Board for their consideration and approval to hire the Alliance’s new employee. R. Perry indicated that J. Young’s primary focus in the short-term will be on the NYSCFA and the Alliance’s website.
XIII. Other
B. Erickson shared his contact information with the Alliance Board.
M. Hutchings also shared her contact information with the Alliance Board.
R. Perry indicated that T. West would compile Board member’s contact information and send it to the Board.
XIV. Adjourn
M. Latone made a motion to adjourn the June 10, 2021 Board meeting. The motion was seconded by M. Hutchings and was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:03 PM.