Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance
Minutes of the Board of Directors – Work Session
Thursday, June 13, 2024
4:30 p.m. at the BWB Building, 201 West 3rd St. Jamestown, NY 14701 & via Zoom
Directors Present: Pierre Chagnon, JoDee Johnson (via Zoom), Ellen Barnes, Don Emhardt, Mike LaTone, Paul (P.J.) Wendel, Jr., Martin Proctor
Directors Absent: Jim Andrews, Janis Bowman.
Staff in Attendance: Randall Perry – Alliance Executive Director, Jay Young – Alliance Communications Coordinator.
I. Call to Order
D. Emhardt called the Board Meeting of the Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance (Alliance) to order at 4:34 PM. A quorum of 7 out of 9 Alliance Board Members were present at the start of the meeting.
II. Comments from Outgoing Chair Bruce Erickson
Bruce Erickson thanked all those at the Alliance who he has worked with during his tenure on the Board of Directors and as Chair. B. Erickson thanked Executive Director R. Perry for all his work, and indicated that it has been a privilege to serve on the Alliance Board and as Board Chair.
III. Seating of New Directors
The Board welcomed incoming director P. Chagnon. R. Perry indicated that P. Chagnon has completed his orientation and paperwork needed to be seated. R. Perry indicated that D. Emhardt is a returning director with a new term. R. Perry indicated that all directors and staff have submitted their conflict of interest statements for the year. R. Perry thanked the new and returning directors.
IV. Election of Officers
The Board discussed the process for electing officers. R. Perry indicated that both Treasurer E. Barnes and Secretary J. Bowman are eligible for another one-year term, and both had indicated a willingness to continue serving if the Board desires.
After discussion, M. LaTone made a motion to select D. Emhardt as Chair; P. Chagnon as Vice Chair; E. Barnes as Treasurer; and J. Bowman as Secretary. The motion was seconded by M. Proctor and was passed unanimously.
R. Perry indicated that he will update the organization’s contact list and distribute that to the Board.
V. Approval of 5/9/2024 Board Meeting Minutes
E. Barnes made a motion to accept the minutes from the 5/9/24 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by M. LaTone and was passed unanimously.
VI. Discussion with Justin Brewer – NYSDEC Fisheries
The Board welcomed Justin Brewer, an Aquatic Biologist 1 with the NYSDEC Bureau of Fisheries. J. Brewer delivered a presentation covering DEC monitoring of the lake’s various fish species. J. Brewer indicated that the lake’s three most popular sport fish typically draw the most attention from DEC surveys, including muskellunge, walleye, as well as large and smallmouth bass. J. Brewer indicated that survey methods used by DEC vary by species and include trap nets, electrofishing, gill nets, and bottom trawling. J. Brewer indicated that typically DEC conducts an annual spring trap net survey for muskellunge assessment and egg take, and an annual fall electrofishing survey to assess bass and walleye populations. J. Brewer indicated that non-annual surveys typically occur every 2-5 years, and can target bass, sunfish, walleye, perch, and juvenile panfish. J. Brewer outlined the differences in survey methodology, and the results of the most recent surveys conducted on the lake.
A discussion followed of DEC fish exclusion and habitat zones, fish movement throughout the year, spawning, and plant conditions. The Board thanked J. Brewer for his time and informative presentation.
VII. Financial Update
R. Perry indicated that the meeting packet includes an updated financial summary report. R. Perry indicated that the second half of the Alliance’s 2024 Consolidated Local Funding grant from the Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation was recently received, as reflected in the financial update. R. Perry indicated that the report also shows grants being paid out to both the Chautauqua Lake Association and Chautauqua Lake Partnership as plant management programs continue. R. Perry indicated that at the May public meeting, the Board indicated it would evaluate a request from a member that information on the Alliance budget be shared at public meetings. After discussion, the Board indicated that the monthly financial reporting will remain unchanged at this time. P. Wendel made a motion to accept the monthly financial report as presented. The motion was seconded by M. Proctor and passed unanimously.
VIII. Alliance Committees
R. Perry indicated that the Alliance Lake Management Committee has a meeting scheduled for 4:30 pm on June 24 at The Lawson Center in Bemus Point. R. Perry indicated that Alliance Board members are welcome to attend Committee meetings.
IX. 2023 Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Program
- Request for No Cost Time Extension for Chautauqua Institution stream station grant (#23-05a-CIN)
R. Perry indicated that work is wrapping up on the Chautauqua Institution stream station grant project, and that the stations have been constructed and are beginning to transmit data. R. Perry requested that the Board authorize a no cost time extension for the grant through the end of 2024, which would likely prevent the need for any further extensions.
P. Chagnon made a motion to authorize a no-cost time extension through 12/31/2024 for the Chautauqua Institution stream station grant. The motion was seconded by M. LaTone and was passed unanimously.
X. 2024 Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Program
- Status of Awards Made to Date for 2024
R. Perry indicated that the meeting packet includes a breakdown of 2024 Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Grants made to date in 2024. R. Perry requested that the board authorize him to execute a contract amendment with Chautauqua County for its 2024 Agency Allocation in order to accept the additional $100,000 pass-thru grant for early-season lake maintenance by CLA.
P. Chagnon made a motion authorizing R. Perry to execute the contract amendment between the Alliance and County. The motion was seconded by E. Barnes.
A discussion followed of early-season work, plant conditions, Alliance grant contract agreements, Chautauqua County funds designated for the lake, and public feedback about plant management.
J. Johnson, M. LaTone and E. Barnes expressed their support for considering hiring a lake manager to oversee work. The Board discussed the importance of sustainability when considering this concept and indicated a need for further discussion if it were to be considered further.
Discussion occurred regarding how Alliance member grant agreements are typically structured as compared to how a County contract for services might be structured. The Board discussed the increasing share of lake funding that is now being provided by the County, including operational support and new equipment.
After further discussion D. Emhardt called the motion to a vote. The motion passed unanimously.
R. Perry indicated that the Alliance has received a grant award of $25,000 from the Arnold Holmberg Foundation for use in 2024. R. Perry indicated that this grant is not specifically awarded for a particular use or program.
M. LaTone indicated that DEC permits have been received for a planned 2024 herbicide treatment targeting invasive Eurasian watermilfoil using ProcellaCOR. M. LaTone provided an updated cost estimate that indicated the program is ~$18,900 short on funding.
P. Wendel indicated that he and P. Chagnon recently met with Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy senior staff. P. Wendel indicated they discussed topics including potential chemical management options for invasive starry stonewort.
P. Chagnon made a motion to award funding to the CLP for the projected Eurasian watermilfoil treatment funding gap in the amount of $18,899.35. The motion was seconded by E. Barnes and was passed unanimously with M. LaTone and J. Johnson abstaining. The Alliance Lake Maintenance Operations and Capital Fund will be the source of $7,332, with the remainder coming from the 2024 County allocation.
XI. 2024 NYS Consolidated Funding Application Update
R. Perry indicated that the 2024 New York State Consolidated Funding Application window is open and will close in late July. R. Perry indicated that the Alliance is currently a partner on 11 active grants which account for ~$2 Million in funds. R. Perry indicated that Alliance staff are pursuing leads with Members, and that other Members are being engaged about additional applications. R. Perry indicated that once enough application details are finalized, the Board may be asked to consider utilizing the Alliance Foundation Match Fund to leverage these outside grants.
XII. 2024-2025 Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Program Update – Solicitation and Review Process
R. Perry indicated that the meeting materials include an overview of the planned Alliance Consolidated Local Funding Program for 2024-2025. R. Perry indicated that Requests for Applications will be sent to members in early July and will be due in early September. R. Perry indicated applications will be technically evaluated by staff and committee volunteers using the Multi-Criteria Analysis tool, as in years past. R. Perry indicated that no substantive changes from the 2023-2024 Application are planned.
XIII. Alliance By-Laws Discussion
R. Perry indicated that during the 4/11/2024 Board Work Session there was a discussion of Alliance Board composition and Alliance by-laws. R. Perry indicated that the meeting materials include the relevant section of the by-laws following from the 4/11/2024 discussion.
A discussion followed of the Alliance by-laws, the potential of guaranteeing seats for Members, and Board composition.
D. Emhardt indicated that he is pleased with the way the current by-laws are written and Board composition.
J. Johnson indicated that upon further consideration she is not interested in making changes at this time.
XIV. NYS Wetlands Discussion
R. Perry indicated that the meeting materials include a frequently-asked-question sheet that was issued by DEC regarding the revised Freshwater Wetlands Act, along with a copy of a proposed law recently introduced by State Senator George Borrello.
P. Wendel indicated that the proposed legislation would exempt certain lakes from the new wetland regulations. P. Wendel indicated that G. Borrello is hoping to bring the legislation up for discussion at a special session of the state senate. P. Wendel indicated that there is support for the legislation from other lake communities who are concerned about the new regulations. P. Wendel indicated that overdevelopment of lakefront areas is also an issue to consider.
XV. Other
P. Wendel indicated that he recently spoke with DEC Region 9 Director Julie Barrett O’Neill after former Alliance Project Manager Taylor West was hired by Region 9 DEC. P. Wendel indicated that J. Barrett O’Neill knew of several qualified applicants who may be interested in applying for a position with the Alliance.
D. Emhardt indicated that T. West will be difficult to replace.
E. Barnes asked if now is the time to consider hiring a lake manager with the current staff vacancy.
M. LaTone indicated that he had recently discussed the Member News section of the Alliance website with R. Perry. M. LaTone indicated that the section was an automated news feed drawn from Alliance Member websites, and that staff was not actively posting or moderating content displayed there. M. LaTone indicated that following his discussion with R. Perry a decision was made to remove that section of the Alliance website.
R. Perry indicated that now all of the content on the Alliance website is posted/moderated/edited only by Alliance staff.
P. Chagnon indicated that is a good policy to have in place.
J. Johnson indicated that she will be meeting with J. Bowman and staff later this month to discuss the status of different sources of lake data.
E. Barnes made a motion to enter Executive Session at 7:09 p.m. The motion was seconded by M. Proctor and was passed unanimously. Staff left the meeting. E. Barnes made a motion to adjourn Executive Session at 7:24 p.m. The motion was seconded by P. Chagnon and was approved unanimously.
XVI. Adjourn
E. Barnes made a motion to adjourn the June 13, 2024 Board meeting. The motion was seconded by M. LaTone and was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM.
The Alliance Board of Directors passed a motion to approve these 6/13/24 Meeting Minutes on 7/11/24.