Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, February 9, 2017
4:00 p.m. at Stow Senior Center
Directors Present: Linda Barber, Sally Carlson, Pierre Chagnon, Don Emhardt, David Spann, and David Wesp.
Absent: Vince Horrigan, Ken Shearer, and David Shepherd.
Others in Attendance: Erin Brickley – Alliance Executive Director and Randall Perry – Alliance Project Manager.
Founding Member Representatives in Attendance: John Jablonski – Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy (CWC), Marla Connelly – NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation – Allegany Region, and Craig Seger – Village of Lakewood / CWC.
I. Call to Order:
Ms. Barber called the meeting of the Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance (Alliance) to order at 4:11 pm. It was noted for the record that there was a quorum (6 of 9) present.
II. Approval of Minutes:
Mr. Chagnon made a motion to accept the minutes of the 1/12/17 Board Meeting, seconded by Mr. Spann. The motion was approved unanimously.
III. Update on Current Alliance/Member Projects:
Mr. Perry gave an update on the status of the nine funded Alliance/Member projects in process:
Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP) grants (six in total):
- Construction status:
- No change from Jan 2017; continue preparation/coordination for 2017 schedule and tasks
- Anticipated schedule:
- Bemus Creek (Lower), Goose Creek, and Ball Creek: Schedule/order is weather-, contractor-, and quarry supply-dependent (Target build dates: Spring to Fall 2017);
- Dutch Hollow Creek (Main Stem) & West Dutch Hollow Creek (Target build date: Summer to Fall 2017)
- Accounting:
- $134,886.44 paid by County to-date for Prendergast and Bemus (*some invoices pending)
- 12/02/16 request to NYS for partial 75% reimbursement to County ($42,304.03) pending
- Awaiting additional invoices for other services/materials to-date
- Subsequent reimbursement requests forthcoming for other County disbursements
- Reporting:
- Most-recent submissions = Jan 2017 (M/WBE, EEO, and narrative); next reports due April 2017
- Procurements & Subcontracts:
- Two RFPs for Dutch Hollow Creek & West Dutch Hollow Creek design/permitting/construction management: both released 1/13/17; due 2/24 & 2/28, respectively
- 10 subcontracts executed; 4 in progress (define duties/budgets); ~4 awaiting RFP results & design
- Other:
- Education & outreach by CWC ongoing
- Ball Creek invasive species control and native planting plan by CWC with Alliance coordination
WQIP Discussion: Mr. Wesp inquired about the response on the recent RFPs for Dutch Hollow and West Dutch Hollow projects. Mr. Perry advised that based on the well-attended site walk and number of follow up calls he has received, its encouraging signs that we will receive a good number of proposals. Prevailing Wage Rate was discussed briefly but Mr. Perry pointed out that that really comes into play and is applicable to construction companies versus the engineering firms who would be responding for design and permit services.
Invasive Species Management Grant (Senator Young $50K local assistance grant via County pass-through):
- Agreement executed between Alliance and County (02/01/2017)
- State Assistance Contract extension in progress (submitted and under State review)
- Agreements between Alliance and partners forthcoming (CLA, RTPI, and ACNC)
- Equipment, training, field testing, and (ACNC) response planned for Spring to Fall 2017
Lakewood / Busti Stormwater Management Engineering Study (NYS DEC/EFC Engineering Planning Grant (EPG)):
- Alliance coordinating resolutions and agreements with/among Lakewood, NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC), Alliance, County of Chautauqua, and Town of Busti
- Near-term objective: Facilitate execution of Grant Agreement between Lakewood and EFC to secure initial $50K payment and commence engineering study (Target start: Spring/Summer 2017)
EPG Discussion: Mr. Chagnon asked which engineering company is doing this study. Mr. Perry advised that has yet to be determined as it will need to go out to public bid per the Village procurement policies. The Alliance is currently working through the EFC checklist of needed actions and assisting the Village in drafting an RFP is planned as near-term next step.
Celoron LWRP grants (2013/2016):
- Working to consolidate/coordinate engineering design and upcoming construction bid under single phase of construction utilizing separate LWRP grants (2013 & 2016)
- Working to secure extension/modification of 2013 LWRP grant and establish State contract for 2016 LWRP grant for target implementation in Fall 2017
IV. Review of 2017 Goals:
Ms. Brickley reviewed the 2017 Goals report:
Overarching organizational goals:
- Procure state and federal money on behalf of members and their projects via grant writing and grant administration.
- Implementation of the recommendations identified in the 2010 Chautauqua Lake Watershed Management Plan, the in-lake Macrophyte Management Strategy (MMS), the Chautauqua Lake Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), and other sources.
- Open communication is to be a priority. Ensure that anyone who wants a voice in how our watershed and lake is managed has a voice and is truly heard by the Alliance Board, Alliance staff and Alliance members.
- Transparency is also to be a priority. For example: published goals, published board meeting minutes, etc.
- Fiscally self-sustaining.
- Focused on not competing with our members or fellow nonprofits for local donors to cover operational costs.
- Act as point of contact for community, state and federal entities.
- Meet with Members and the general public, network, & most importantly listen.
Annual goals (by the end of the calendar year):
- Identify and develop 10-15 watershed and lake related projects, keeping recommendations made in pertinent guidance documents in mind. Identify and confirm project owner, participants, physical and financial feasibility and probable grant opportunities for each.
- Write and submit a minimum of 10 grant applications in 2017, maximizing local partnerships wherever possible.
- Facilitate implementation and successfully administrate the six Round 12 New York State (NYS) Water Quality Improvement Program (WQIP) grant awards with the County from 2015 for seven stream bank stabilization construction projects.
- Facilitate implementation and successfully finalize detailed work plan, budget and applicable partnerships as well as successfully administrate the Invasive Species Early Detection efforts for Chautauqua Lake from a 2015 grant from Senator Young via the County.
- Facilitate implementation and successfully administrate the 2016 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)/ Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant (EPG) grant with the Village of Lakewood for the Lakewood/Busti Stormwater Management Engineering Study.
- Facilitate implementation and successfully administrate the 2016 Village of Celoron NYS Department of State (DOS) Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) grant award for improvements to the Lucille Ball Memorial Park (including but not limited to breakwall removal and replacement, and installation of timber boardwalk and kayak/canoe launch).
- In person meetings with member organizations at regular intervals.
- Continue to work on establishing local match tools and funding sources.
- Facilitate work done by our bookkeeping service provider.
- Facilitate work done by our Audit & Tax service provider.
- Successfully host second annual May Member Meeting.
- Review target member list and assess for additions or deletions prior to our 2017-2018 Membership Drive.
- Confirm membership dues structure that continues to be equitable and logical.
- Execute successful 2017-2018 Membership Drive.
- Identify and utilize Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to help track interactions with members as well as track hours and work linked to specific projects or grants.
- Renew federal registration.
- Activation of Scientific Review & Advisory Committee.
- Better define how we will prioritize projects.
- Possible progress report on the 2010 Chautauqua Lake Watershed Plan.
- Determine the most appropriate mix of ways to effectively communicate with our Members and the public. Current efforts include: annual report, press releases, online (website & social media), participation in area events, guest speaker presentations, etc.
- Continue to develop our online presence via website and social media. Expand and add to information currently available on the website specific to Alliance projects but also overarching lake related efforts.
- Continue to develop and build relationships with state and federal agencies. DEC, NRCS, Southern Tier West, REDC, EPA, etc.
- Assist with finalizing in-lake management plan (MMS) and aid in working through realities of implementation, once plan is finalized.
- Establish Alliance office location.
V. Update on Scientific Review & Advisory Committee:
Mr. Spann, chair of the Science Committee, gave an update on their recent meeting held on 2/1/17. Points of discussion included: water quality data collection from the tributaries flowing into Chautauqua Lake, both chemical and physical data; 9 element watershed plans (EPA approved method) for Cassadaga and Bear Lakes that are in process; inconsistencies between muni’s when doing ditch work but it was noted that S&W is making good headway with their hydroseeding program; the committee also noted that algal blooms and harmful algal blooms (HABs) are not addressed in current guidance documents; inconsistencies in stormwater zoning between muni’s and also lack of enforcement; and generally, the critical importance of education and outreach.
Mr. Spann believes this group can benefit various groups in the community given the quality and knowledge of the members. Based on discussion by the Alliance Board, it was suggested that the committee members all identify their top area of concern or highest priority area at their next meeting and then attempt to prioritize that list via group vote. Mr. Spann advised he is planning the committee’s next meeting for March. Ms. Barber requested that the committee generate meeting minutes to assist in setting agenda’s and to provide feedback to the Alliance Board.
VI. Open Floor / Member Updates:
Ms. Barber opened the floor to any Member updates or upcoming events and/or comments from the general public in attendance:
- Mr. Chagnon advised the group of a recent Invasives Grant and that the Jamestown Audubon was advised by regional DEC that they may be good candidates for this. Ms. Brickley advised that the Invasive Species Rapid Response and Control Grant Program is new and currently taking submissions through the end of March. The Audubon was indeed a good candidate and the Alliance has already been in contact for further discussion. Ms. Brickley also noted that she would be sure to reach out to CLA on this opportunity as well.
- Mr. Chagnon also gave an update pertinent to the Town of Ellery. A group of homeowners have approached the Town for assistance regarding a possible herbicide application located in Bemus Bay.
- Ms. Connelly gave an update for Parks-Allegany Region. She advised that they have an environmental intern and that Parks is meeting with CWC in the near future to brainstorm about possible public programs as the intern allows them to be well positioned for education and outreach efforts. It was also noted that the shoreline stabilization via rock rip rap at Long Point was completed by Soil & Water.
- Mr. Jablonski advised the group that CWC, as part of its education and outreach efforts on the County/Alliance WQIP projects, will be holding a public workshop specific to the WQIPs on 2/28/17 at the Stow Senior Center. Mr. Jablonski also wanted to publicly thank the Town of Chautauqua for their fiscal assistance on a grant that provides for public access to the CWC parcel on Lyons Road with access to Chautauqua Creek and the installed rain garden on site.
- Mr. Seger advised the group that he is on the CWC Board but is also a member of the Planning & Implementation Committee for the Village of Lakewood. He noted that the Village is very excited about the pending stormwater study that the Alliance assisted in securing funding for. Based on constituent feedback, the Village of Lakewood is really looking to be a leader in water quality friendly and environmentally focused projects as a long term goal.
VII. Adjourn:
Mr. Wesp made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:59pm, seconded by Mr. Chagnon. The motion passed unanimously.