Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance
Minutes of the Board of Directors – Work Session
Thursday, February 16, 2023
4:30 p.m. at the BWB Building, 201 West 3rd St. Jamestown, NY 14701 & via Zoom
Directors Present: Bruce Erickson, Paul Wendel, Jr., Janis Bowman, Dave Shepherd (via Zoom), Jim Andrews, Ellen Barnes, Martin Proctor, Don Emhardt
Directors Absent: Mike LaTone
Staff in Attendance: Randall Perry – Alliance Executive Director, Taylor West – Alliance Project Manager, and Jay Young – Alliance Communications Coordinator.
Others in Attendance: T. Shepherd, Chautauqua Institution (present for only Agenda Item V)
I. Call to Order
B. Erickson called the Board Meeting of the Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance (Alliance) to order at 4:28 PM. A quorum of 7 out of 9 Alliance Board Members were present at the start of the meeting.
II. Approval of 1/12/2023 Board Meeting Minutes
D. Emhardt made a motion to accept the minutes from the 1/12/2023 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by J. Andrews and was approved unanimously.
***Note: The order of the original agenda items was adjusted during the meeting based on the timing of the guest attendee and other business. The minutes are organized by the chronology of the actual meeting with reference made to the original agenda item where applicable.
III. 2021 Alliance Local Grants Update (Original Agenda Item VI)
a.) Modification Request (No Cost Time Extension): Town of Chautauqua Mobitrac Dredge Pump.
R. Perry indicated that he had received a letter from D. Emhardt requesting a no-cost time extension for the Town’s Mobitrac Dredge Pump Retrofit grant, which was issued by the Alliance with funding from the Holmberg Foundation.
P. Wendel made a motion to authorize a no-cost time extension through 12/31/2023 for the Town of Chautauqua Mobitrac Dredge Pump Retrofit grant. The motion was seconded by E. Barnes and was passed unanimously.
IV. Alliance Board of Directors Election Discussion (Original Agenda Item VIII)
R. Perry indicated that elections to the Board of Directors will take place at the May 11, 2023 Board Meeting. R. Perry indicated that terms are slated to finish for P. Wendel, J. Andrews, and D. Shepherd. R. Perry indicated that as County Executive, P. Wendel will not be required to run to retain his seat, J. Andrews is eligible to run for re-election to his municipal seat if nominated and willing, while D. Shepherd has reached his limit of three consecutive terms as an at-large director. R. Perry indicated that following discussion at the 12/8/22 Board meeting, he reached out to the local Foundations to assess interest in providing potential nominees for the Board’s soon to be vacant at-large seat. R. Perry indicated that the Foundations that responded have opted not to put forward a nominee for the seat at this time.
B. Erickson suggested that staff reach out to Members regarding potential nominees for the soon-to-be-vacant at-large seat. R. Perry indicated that a summary of the open seats and process for nomination will be shared with Members at the March public meeting.
V. Discussion with Toby Shepherd, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua Lake Project Manager (Original Agenda Item III)
Toby Shepherd, Chautauqua Lake Project Manager for Chautauqua Institution, joined the meeting by Zoom and introduced himself to the Board. T. Shepherd outlined several of the lake-related projects underway at the Institution, as well as the Chautauqua Climate Change Initiative and programs related to research, collaboration, and education. T. Shepherd offered a brief history of The Jefferson Project’s work on the lake, and plans for the program moving forward. T. Shepherd indicated that The Jefferson Project team intends to install tributary monitoring stations in 2023, would like to expand its in-lake sampling program in the future, is currently conducting genomic research on algae species, and is planning other expansions. T. Shepherd indicated that Dr. Allison Hrycik, an algae scientist with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, will be conducting research on the lake moving forward as a part of the project team. T. Shepherd indicated that the Institution is hoping to host another Chautauqua Lake Water Quality Conference in 2023, and is targeting June 17 for that event.
J. Bowman asked if The Jefferson Project’s research includes study of the lake’s fishery.
T. Shepherd indicated that food web modeling is part of the project team’s research plan, which likely includes the lake’s fish species. T. Shepherd indicated that the food web modeling may become more complete in the next several years and offered to relay questions to researchers with The Jefferson Project.
B. Erickson thanked T. Shepherd for taking time to meet with the Board. T. Shepherd left the meeting.
VI. 2022-2023 Alliance Consolidated Foundation Grant Program (Original Agenda Item IV)
a.) Overview and Background
R. Perry shared information with the Board on the Alliance’s Consolidated Foundation Grant Program, including its origins, objectives, challenges, decision-making framework, funding history, communications, and related data sets. R. Perry outlined some of the particular challenges associated with lake management, potential strategies to help address them, and the role of the Alliance in doing so. R. Perry provided an overview of the role played by the Alliance’s Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) tool in the process including the role of volunteers from Alliance committees, the potential for scoring variations among individual reviewers, and controls built into the process.
b.) Status of Consolidated Foundation Grant Requests
R. Perry indicated that the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation awarded $150,000 to the Alliance for the consolidated grant request, bringing the total received from the CRCF, the Sheldon Foundation, and The Lenna Foundation to $683,332 in response to the $800,000 request approved by the Board in October 2022. R. Perry presented a summary of the $683,332 overall grant award received from the foundations, compared the award to the $800,000 funding request that was submitted to the foundations, and provided a suggestion to the Board on distributing the overall foundation grants to the individual projects. In order to cover the funding gap, the capital equipment funding would be reduced to zero and the remaining gap would be covered through proportional reductions to the remaining projects.
J. Bowman asked what the Consolidated Foundation Grant awards were in 2022.
R. Perry indicated the awards totaled $695,000.
J. Bowman asked if there were any thoughts about the reason for the reduction in funding this year.
R. Perry indicated that in conversations with the CRCF, their leadership expressed a desire to continue to support the work that the Alliance is doing but at a more sustainable level moving forward. R. Perry indicated that the CRCF leadership indicated support for the Alliance and the Alliance’s approach to the consolidated local funding program. R. Perry indicated that the 2023 funding level was not viewed as sustainable either.
B. Erickson indicated that there are also financial considerations such as the stock market that impact the funding picture for foundations.
P. Wendel indicated that he supports finding a more sustainable funding source that would allow the foundations to pursue other types of projects in the Community.
R. Perry indicated that there are still opportunities to pursue grants to support the 2023 workplan from the Holmberg Foundation and the Hultquist Foundation.
P. Wendel indicated that the Alliance could potentially pursue a request for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from Chautauqua County in order to supplement the existing funding. P. Wendel indicated that something in the range of $120,000 to $200,000 could be appropriate. P. Wendel indicated that it might be possible to get that request prepared for consideration by the County Legislature in advance of its March meeting.
R. Perry indicated that one approach would be for the Board to make funding determinations at this work session based on the existing grant awards, in order to get information out to Members more promptly. R. Perry indicated that he would be happy to help put forward a supplemental funding request to the County if that is the desire of the Board.
B. Erickson indicated that getting grant award information quickly would be helpful to some Members, as the Chautauqua Lake Association is currently in the process of hiring and budgeting for the coming season.
P. Wendel indicated that he intends to push for more collaboration in lake management in 2023.
A discussion followed of lake operations and possible improvements to efficiency.
J. Bowman indicated that in speaking with anglers at a recent fishing expo, many expressed concern about the loss of weed lines. J. Bowman indicated that there are many individuals concerned with the health of the fisheries, and indicated her support for collection and use of data related to the fishery.
P. Wendel indicated that there is a lack of a clear, overarching goal for the lake. P. Wendel indicated that stakeholder discussions are planned or ongoing.
D. Emhardt indicated that he has worked with the Chautauqua Lake Protection and Rehabilitation Agency (CLPRA) since 2017. D. Emhardt indicated that a special tax district for the lake was one possible source of sustainable funding. D. Emhardt indicated he was displeased that so much negative attention had been drawn to the CLPRA proceedings, despite a lack of discussing other funding options. D. Emhardt indicated that developing a detailed workplan was not in the scope of work of the CLPRA, and that misinformation about that fact was unfortunate.
P. Wendel indicated his support for discussing the role of the Alliance moving forward.
D. Emhardt indicated that if recommendations were presented to the County Legislature by the Alliance, they would likely be receptive.
P. Wendel indicated that he would support the Alliance putting forth a recommendation to the County Legislature to further explore a boat user fee for Chautauqua Lake.
A discussion followed of the CLPRA and potential lake funding options.
J. Andrews indicated that there is a need for more clear information about what the Alliance is, based on confusion about the role of the Alliance and its mission statement in the public sphere.
c.) 2023 Awards to Alliance Members
The Board approved the following 2023 Member grant awards from the $683,332 received from the CRCF, the Sheldon Foundation, and The Lenna Foundation.
Town of Chautauqua: Mobitrac Operations | $73,472 | Motion by M. Proctor. Second by J. Andrews. 7 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, B. Erickson, D. Shepherd, J. Bowman, P. Wendel) 1 Abstention (D. Emhardt) |
Chautauqua Lake Association: 2023 All-Inclusive Operational Support | $252,418 | Motion by E. Barnes. Second by P. Wendel. 6 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, D. Shepherd, J. Bowman, P. Wendel) 2 Abstentions (D. Emhardt, B. Erickson) |
Chautauqua Lake Partnership on behalf of Town of Ellery, Town of Ellicott, Town of North Harmony, Town of Busti, Village of Bemus Point, Village of Celoron, and Village of Lakewood: Herbicide Treatments for Curly Leaf Pondweed and/or Eurasian Watermilfoil (Combined grant up to amount shown, contingent on 2023 NYSDEC permits) | $162,269 | Motion by M. Proctor. Second by P. Wendel 5 Yeas (M. Proctor, B. Erickson, D. Shepherd, D. Emhardt, P. Wendel) 1 Nay (J. Bowman) 2 Abstentions (J. Andrews, E. Barnes) |
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy: 2023 Chautauqua Lake Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection Volunteer Taskforce | $18,030 | Motion by D. Emhardt. Second by E. Barnes. 7 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, D. Shepherd, D. Emhardt, B. Erickson, P. Wendel) 1 Abstention (J. Bowman) |
Chautauqua Lake Association: 2023 Watercraft Steward Support | $20,734 | Motion by D. Emhardt. Second by P. Wendel 6 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, D. Shepherd, J. Bowman, P. Wendel) 2 Abstentions (D. Emhardt, B. Erickson) |
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy: Watershed Technical Assistance and Stormwater Management Program | $57,245 | Motion by D. Emhardt. Second by J. Andrews 7 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, D. Shepherd, D. Emhardt, B. Erickson, P. Wendel) 1 Abstention (J. Bowman) |
Chautauqua Lake Partnership: Lake Surveys | $25,242 | Motion by E. Barnes. Second by P. Wendel. 8 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, B. Erickson, D. Shepherd, J. Bowman, P. Wendel, D. Emhardt) |
Chautauqua Lake Partnership: 5 Year Plan for Lake Management of Herbicides | $19,833 | Motion by P. Wendel. Second by E. Barnes. 8 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, B. Erickson, D. Shepherd, J. Bowman, P. Wendel, D. Emhardt) |
Mobitrac Joint Operations Support Fund | $54,089 | Motion by P. Wendel. Second by E. Barnes. 8 Yeas (M. Proctor, J. Andrews, E. Barnes, B. Erickson, D. Shepherd, J. Bowman, P. Wendel) 1 Abstention (D. Emhardt) |
TOTAL | $683,332 | — |
R. Perry indicated that the Hultquist Foundation has a due date of February 28, 2023 for the next round of grant funding. R. Perry indicated that in 2022, the Alliance applied for a grant to support the CLP/municipal-led herbicide treatment program, which was awarded $80,000 from the Hultquist Foundation. R. Perry recommended submitting a grant application for that same program, but increasing the request to $100,000.
D. Emhardt made a motion authorizing R. Perry to submit a grant application to the Hultquist Foundation for $100,000 to fund the lake herbicide program. The motion was seconded by J. Bowman and was approved unanimously.
VII. Alliance Committees (Original Agenda Item V)
a.) Data Analysis & Research Committee
B. Erickson indicated that a question has been submitted to the DAR Committee, and a response is pending.
b.) Lake Management Committee
B. Erickson indicated that the Lake Management Committee is in the process of scheduling its next meeting.
c.) Watershed Management Committee
R. Perry indicated that the Alliance is still waiting to hear the results of the 2022 New York State Consolidated Funding Applications that were submitted to NYSDEC for watershed work.
VIII. Financial Reporting Discussion (Original Agenda Item VII)
B. Erickson indicated that following a request at a public meeting, he has worked with R. Perry to create a template for an Alliance financial report that would be presented at public meetings. B. Erickson indicated that a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement can also be generated for a cost and suggested doing that quarterly for the Board work sessions.
P. Wendel made a motion to adopt the financial reporting framework. The motion was seconded by D. Emhardt and was passed unanimously.
IX. Lake Funding Discussion
A discussion followed related to potential lake funding mechanisms including boat stickers. B. Erickson suggested that D. Emhardt should head up this matter in coordination with P. Wendel. P. Wendel indicated his support for having the Alliance submit a recommendation to the County Legislature that the possibility of a boat fee program be further explored. P. Wendel indicated communication is also underway with A. Goodell regarding funding.
X. Other
P. Wendel indicated that there is the potential for a significant expansion of Chautauqua Lake as a center of research.
XI. Adjourn
P. Wendel made a motion to adjourn the February 16, 2023 Board meeting. The motion was seconded by J. Bowman and was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
The Alliance Board of Directors passed a motion to approve these 2/16/23 Meeting Minutes on 3/9/23.